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This is the most common questions that my client asked me before they book me for a shoot. Other people or photographers might have different interpretation to this, in this case, I will answer this based on my own opinion.

  • CATALOGUE also known as product catalogue. The shoot will focus on the product itself, usually done on plain background.

  • LOOK BOOK not only focus on product but also emphasized on styling. In lookbook shoot we can suggest the consumer how to mix and match an item to get the most stylish look. Lookbook usually convey the designer visions. Most lookbook also shoot with set or props that relate with the collections.

  • CAMPAIGN shoot is more complex than catalogue and look book shoot as in campaign shoot usually we need to relate the collection's ideas to the brand image. Depends on the concept, campaign shoot usually incorporate set design or props for the photo shoot and the image should be more spectacular than catalogue or look book shoot.

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